Monday, January 24, 2011


Her name is Clare. She's thirteen years old and has a cancer so rare, the odds of getting it are one in three million.

Thanks to an existing and loving friendship between my sister and one of the teachers at Clare's dance studio, my sister's dance company and our studio are collecting valentines for this little fighter. We want valentines and notes and pictures and good wishes from as many places as we can get them.

Please help us out--

Valentines for Clare
Dance Project
932-H Meramec Station Road
Valley Park, MO 63088


  1. What a lovely idea... thanks for linking it from STFU, Couples!

    I'll be sending some love from down here in NZ.

  2. I also found this through STFU, Couples and think it is wonderful.

    I'd like to help get the word out to try to get more Valentine's for Clare, but wanted to ask before doing so. Would you mind if I posted this to facebook?

  3. My students have been making really cute cards in English class... I'll send them next week, and they should arrive before Valentine's Day!! Hang in there, Clare ♥
    Sara in Japan

  4. Thank you to everyone who has offered their hearts and time to help us make Valentine's Day special for Clare. We're very touched and grateful!

  5. Does Clare have any likes or dislikes? I'd like to send her a card from the UK but don't want to offend/upset her in any way! Are there any little comforts she'd like? Thanks, Katherine

  6. I think a pretty or silly card with a positive message would be just fine. As far as treats and comforts, she likes Twizzlers, chocolate, goldfish crackers and Jolly Ranchers. Her favorite colors are blue and purple. She needs fluffy comfy socks to wear on a chemo day. Her current chemotherapy cycle is seven hours a day, five days a week. This kid is STRONG.

    And she's blogged that she's starting to lose her hair so I'm thinking about finding her a really cool headscarf. Thanks for helping us!

  7. Awesome, I'm going shopping this week so I'll see what I can find her, not sure how long it'll take to get to her from here though. I'll look for some nice fluffy socks in bright colours and maybe some English candy that will travel well. I'll see what I can find in the way of a headscarf too. Are you allowed to share her blog with us? I'd love to follow her to see how she's getting on.

