Tuesday, August 31, 2010

MEK Tuesdays

So tell me how that made you feel.

No, I'm interested. Really.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Pretty Things

Some costumes from our Nutcracker. We have the most amazing team behind this . . . a studio mom and dad and a friend of hers, my mum, my sister, my stepdad, Fahnz, and me. This is not going to look like anything anyone has seen before and we are very proud of that!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

MEK Tuesdays

It was a very strange day.

Monday, August 23, 2010

This amuses me

Is it just me, or does Discovery Channel have the most over-the-top, dramatic commercials ever?

Sunday, August 22, 2010


Last night I made two lists.
One for me and one for Fahnz.

On these lists are some very important numbers--the amount of calories we need to consume per day to start losing weight again, to the tune of two pounds per week. At every meal we write down the calorie count and since the lists are right there on the refrigerator, we can compare and encourage each other.

I want to get into even better shape now that I finally care about what happens to me. People don't realize what a huge difference that can make in your life.

Wish us luck!

Saturday, August 21, 2010


Bad day today.

Being surrounded by about thirty people in a very small house (most of them kids with lots of energy) plus very high humidity plus a few other nifty side effects that I REALLY shouldn't go into detail about on a public blog because it would just squick people out equals a very tired and unhappy Fahnette who can't breathe properly and has a very sore throat now because of it.

Thank goodness for Fahnz. He's all about me being comfortable and wants all of this to be over as much as I do, if not more because he's sick of seeing me like this. It's not all the time, of course, but it's often enough that it hurts him too.

That's the odd thing about being in recovery from a PE. I don't feel bad constantly. In fact most of the time I feel quite normal--my blood tests have been coming back looking very good and I've been cleared to get a massage, which makes me tremendously happy! But I do have bad days. This one was particularly off because I had to keep dodging small people and telling them to please, please be careful near me and try to not bump into me. I almost got knocked off of a giant ottoman and that was when I was done.

I guess the only thing I can take away from this is that not everyone will understand because I don't look like there's anything wrong. Even my hairstylist said he wouldn't have been able to tell there was a change in my hair if I hadn't told him. So please, if someone you love has blood clots, do your homework, educate yourself, understand that they're not going to be 100% all the time, and respect their healing process.

They'd do the same for you.

As for the Fahnz, I told him tonight that sometimes being a girl is not all it's cracked up to be, but being HIS girl is the best thing ever.
I couldn't get through this without him.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Stuff I'd like to do

A ballet based on Tale of Tales' other game, The Path.

Go to Scotland.

One week at home, just me and Fahnz. (check that one off the list)

Beat Bayonetta and Final Fantasy XIII.

Sleep until noon.

Raise money for Stop The Clot.

Have a beer and a BBQ Chicken salad at Growlers.

Write something really cool.

Pay off my medical bills.

Momo's chocolate pie recipe.

Live a happy and peaceful life.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

MEK Tuesdays

This stealing of Fahnz's spot on the couch happens on a near-hourly basis. It usually ends in cuddles and pets, maybe treats.
Round Thing sleeps in strange positions, even for a cat. One day I found her laying on her back with all four paws up like a bug.

Again, this time with feeling

Finally feels like my life is getting back to normal. We start classes in two weeks, my birthday is next week, and I no longer go to bed wondering if this might not be the moment . . .

Fahnz is happy, has a new job. He was really not his best over the past few months, what with my PE and where he was working, and it showed because he seemed so very numb. It's just too much for some people to take when you realize you're treading water, and when you get done trying to maintain that calm, cool exterior, sometimes you just gotta blow it all off and take some time for yourself. This week off is exactly what he needed. He's got a new game to play, new office space to set up, walks to go on with me. Kitties to cuddle, life to live. I feel like we're finding our friendship all over again and it's really quite fun!

I can't wait to start teaching again. I can't wait to take some classes. Been walking a lot, trying to burn off some Coumadin bloat and the weight I put on when I was depressed and on the pill. First order of business for all my classes--even my little girls--STRETCH. I am so bloody-damned stiff it hurts to wiggle my toes sometimes. I want the next two weeks to fly!
When I came back to the studio after my PE, I was still in that weird post-brush-with-death fog and didn't really feel like I belonged there--I think I went back too soon but I didn't feel like I had much choice. My other option was to stay home and feel like I was losing out on everything. Not a fun place to be, but after it was all over our recital was beautiful, more so to me because I almost missed it. So now I'm getting the rest I should have gotten before, and am doing my best to stay busy.

Next week I start helping with Nutcracker costumes over at Mum's house. Don't know what she'll have me do but even if I end up doing the laundry I intend to make sure it runs smoothly for her and for my sister. I believe I shall take my laptop and camera, get some shots of the process to document on our website. Mum's done some amazing work and I can't wait for her to share it with the world. More to come . . .

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Angel Voices

I got to see Libera Thursday!

They're a fantastic boychoir from England. We've used their music before, are inspired now to use it again. It really does sound like angels singing.

The concert was at the Basilica here in St. Louis. It was blessed by John Paul II, ya'll.

Mad acoustics, beautiful mosaics--you walk in there and you know you're in a sacred space. Someone in front of us had the nerve to try and record the concert on their cell phone. It seemed very disrespectful to me and I must confess, I was rather pleased when an usher shut her down.

If I tried to describe how wonderful this was I'd probably start crying. They enter in white robes (usually bathed in light but it wasn't an option at the Basilica) and as they sing they wander about the stage, patterned for the best sound for the song they are singing at the moment. Lights would bathe them in colour from the ground up, making the boys look like little glowing spirits. Some of them talked (Hello, I'm... BEN!) and you could tell they were so in tune with each other and with the music, it was like a family. At the end of the night a long table was set up outside the Basilica for the boys to sit and greet the crowd. Mum said they looked like they were having the time of their lives!

I'm glad to have had the experience. I'm glad I was here to have it.

Thank you, Libera. We are truly blessed that you are in the world.

MEK Tuesdays

Best hiding spot in the house.
Sorry not posting too much lately, been busy with housework and going for walks and hanging out at my sister's dance camp.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

MEK Tuesdays

She does this on her own, ya'll.
It's like she knows that adding on extra cuteness will make damn sure Momma gets the camera out.