Saturday, August 21, 2010


Bad day today.

Being surrounded by about thirty people in a very small house (most of them kids with lots of energy) plus very high humidity plus a few other nifty side effects that I REALLY shouldn't go into detail about on a public blog because it would just squick people out equals a very tired and unhappy Fahnette who can't breathe properly and has a very sore throat now because of it.

Thank goodness for Fahnz. He's all about me being comfortable and wants all of this to be over as much as I do, if not more because he's sick of seeing me like this. It's not all the time, of course, but it's often enough that it hurts him too.

That's the odd thing about being in recovery from a PE. I don't feel bad constantly. In fact most of the time I feel quite normal--my blood tests have been coming back looking very good and I've been cleared to get a massage, which makes me tremendously happy! But I do have bad days. This one was particularly off because I had to keep dodging small people and telling them to please, please be careful near me and try to not bump into me. I almost got knocked off of a giant ottoman and that was when I was done.

I guess the only thing I can take away from this is that not everyone will understand because I don't look like there's anything wrong. Even my hairstylist said he wouldn't have been able to tell there was a change in my hair if I hadn't told him. So please, if someone you love has blood clots, do your homework, educate yourself, understand that they're not going to be 100% all the time, and respect their healing process.

They'd do the same for you.

As for the Fahnz, I told him tonight that sometimes being a girl is not all it's cracked up to be, but being HIS girl is the best thing ever.
I couldn't get through this without him.

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