For the past week I have been without laptop access. My charger crapped out completely. Therefore I have missed MEK Tuesdays and will be posting a giant rant about my experiences with Battlestar Galactica about three weeks later than I thought I would. We're still tearing through the series, and a friend has been teasing me with details. Right now I picture her giggling at me as I flip out occasionally on Facebook when something really nutso happens, or when I'm pondering the awesome that is Laura Roslin, or when I'm making a poor attempt at Adama-ing someone into doing something that is equally as stupid as what they're trying to do, but not as dangerous. And I love her for it.
So today, a replacement charger arrived in the mail. This bad boy cost $12 with shipping and I have never been so happy to see a small, taped-up box. I feel like I regrew a missing limb.
This picture of Round Thing getting snuggled has nothing to do with the agony of not having laptop access for the last week, by the way. Just honoring a special request.
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