For today is the day that Fahnz and StepS and I will lounge about the house and do nothing.
It's been an aggravating week. Last Friday (6th) I had a little pain in my right calf and shortness of breath and off I went to the ER, because when you have a history of clots you do not take any chances. All clear. Cool, and home we go at around 9:30. Of course we had to experience the mandatory Drunk Crazy Guy in the ER on a Friday. I did not know that curses as such existed in the English language but you learn something new every day.
Monday night in class I jump. Just a little jump. I land. OH DEAR. Emergency room, I am returning. I had an x-ray and another ultrasound, Mum got near-hit upon by a couple of drunks, and we didn't get home until 1:00 am. Now in addition to coumadin and iron pills and general tiredness I more than likely have a torn calf muscle. Thank goodness for my GP, who I am going to see tomorrow. And thank goodness for Vicodin, without which I could not have made it through the day.
We're off classes the last week in May, so I'm going to dig in and finish 5.
It's a collection of stories about women--and they all take place around the same antique table. Five stories, five pages each. Five moments of decision and faith and love.
"But in the ruins there is still a canvas. There is still beauty in your brokenness. The faded scars show healing, reminding me that even though I've been in dark places, I've survived and learned and become stronger."
Fahnz has been working with the studio camera for the past few weeks. He has taken pictures of trees, clouds, cats, family members, and dancers. My favorite picture out of all of his work is this.
Too busy. Life catches up with you, tackles you around the ankles and jumps up and down on your stomach.
So I'm on a reduced dose and my target INR is now 1.5 to 2.0. Not too shabby. Now if this rain would get out of town I'd be out there walking.
I've already requested my clotiversary dinner for after I come home from the studio next Tuesday. Fahnz makes these ridiculously good quesadillas with out of control melty cheese and perfectly sauteed peppers. Then I will have cake.
It's odd realizing that a year ago I almost died. But I got me a nifty t-shirt as a Yay, I made it! present and I plan on celebrating the hell out of being alive.