Tuesday, May 3, 2011

One year ago today

I almost died.

I came back.

I found out I had blood clots. I still do, but not as many.

I realized the true depth and strength of my bond with my husband and family.

I accepted my darkest secret, forgave myself for it, and put it away forever.

I stopped smoking, because I had no choice.

I did not come home from the studio.

I realized how much I am loved and needed in this world.

One year ago today, I was reborn.


  1. You are loved and needed here. The world is brighter because of you.

  2. Thanks, lady. You make my heart happy.

  3. Hi Fahnette, I found this blog on STFU and just finished reading through it. Happy Clotiversary, as they said on the blog. Reading this has been meaningful for me. I am currently recovering from the mastectomy I had 2 weeks ago after finding a lump during a random self check. I have been debating doing a blog about this myself but still trying to get my thoughts organized. I think, after reading yours, that I will. I think it will be good for me and may end up helpful for someone else. Thank you and bless you. (Iseefishtanks on STFU)

  4. Do it. Do it for yourself and for every woman who has walked the path before you. I'm excited to see what you create!
