Like right now I'm wondering how come I haven't noticed before that Joyce Meyer has Joker mouth. She is seriously working the Romero look. Joyce Meyer is a reformed 'tute-turned-televangelist that just so happens to be based right here in my hometown, so if I disappear after this gets published you all know where to look.

Now, before you quibble, here's Cesar Romero out of makeup.
Not bad, right? Dark, manly, handsome. It's always interesting to look at the earlier stars who made their names as costumed characters because they are handled in so dramatically different a way than today. In this era they're covered in prosthetics and computer-remapped within an inch of their lives. In the fifties "Avatar" would have been filmed on a soundstage decorated to look like the rainforest, and we would have seen a bunch of actors in blue bodysuits with tails on. Frankly that would have entertained me a hell of a lot more, probably because in the fifties people knew how to write!

Poor Cesar, so pretty and yet he became famous for looking like this:
Don't get me wrong. I adore the high camp that is the early "Batman" series and really, who doesn't love Burgess Meredith as the Penguin? Plus Eartha Kitt was so ridiculously hot and so mind-blowingly sexy there are still some men in the world who can be utterly destroyed by thoughts of her and a well-placed growl. Batman had some real beauties in its day.
Where am I going? Oh yes, Joyce Meyer has Joker mouth.

Now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna go hide in my basement.
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